Monday, March 15, 2010

It's a Small World After All

For weeks I've been studying "the church." I've wanted to know about church doctrine, the importance of church, and what makes a church, well... a church. I even started reading the book "Stop Dating the Church," which has already began to change the way I look at attendance and membership. It's gotten me incredibly excited about going to church each week. But, sometimes there are obstacles.

Saturday night a group of friends and I drove down to Spring Hill, Florida for spring break. We drove through the night, and were set to arrive around 10 in the morning on Sunday. I tried to convince the rest of the crew to stop and go to church along the way, but my weary travelling friends did not seem as interested. I researched and found a church in Spring Hill that started at 10:30 and one at 10:50. Around 10:45am we were just pulling into Spring Hill and I knew church wasn't going to work out.

I'm not going to lie, I was a combination of disappointed and angry. I struggled to maintain patience the final 15 minutes of our trip.

Then something happened, as we pulled into the driveway of our vacation home, I looked to the left and saw a sign across the street, "Faith Evangelical Free Church." Their was going to be a service at 6pm. I was beyond excited!

But, a little nervous, too. I had no idea what to expect. Would it be a big church? A little church? Would I fit in? Would it be good teaching? Would I hear a false gospel? What if I wanted to leave halfway through?

Still, I felt called to go. I can't really explain it, I just knew I needed to be there.

I walked in and was shocked to find just about twenty other people present in the tiny church. It looked much bigger from the road.

The twenty-something odd people were all at least sixty years old or older. I stood out like a sore thumb.

Within a minute of arriving, the pastor came over to me to ask my name and welcome me to the church. It was odd, he was probably mid thirties, and (I mean this in the most respectful, appropriate way possible), he was very good looking for his age. I couldn't understand what it must have been like for him to preach here. Did he enjoy teaching here? Was he sad the congregation was so small?

His wife came in shortly after, she was a beautiful woman as well. I wonder how she handled seeing her husband up there on the pulpit. Was she still proud of him?

After a few wonderfully sung hymns, Pastor Slayden (great name!) was up to bat and I had no idea what was coming.

For 50 minutes he gave one of the most amazing sermons ever!! It was an exegetical study on Deuteronomy, and it was incredible. I learned so much, I was convicted, and I was challenged. I'm not going to lie, I did not expect that. Pastor Slayden was easily one of the most intelligent preachers I've ever heard, and he was downright joyful. Before long I realized the rest of the congregation was equally on their game. At one point, he asked the group a theological question that even I didn't know the answer to. Everyone else did. It was incredible.

After the service Kaitlin (Slayden's wife) came over to introduce herself to me and talk about what I was doing there. I shared why I was in Florida, what led me to their church, and how the group I'm with is involved with Campus Crusade for Christ back at Cru. Turns out, Kaitlin and Slayden met at Campus Crusade when they were in college!

Furthermore, Slayden went to Dallas Theological Seminary, the same six years I was in Texas, and we lived in the same town. Small world, right? The conversation continued with me practically drilling the two on Dallas Theological Seminary, as I've been debating going to seminary for Biblical counseling after I get my counseling license. Turns out, another member of their congregation actually started the Biblical counseling program there! We exchanged contact information so we can talk more about it and she can pass my name along.

I had no idea what to expect going into church Sunday morning. I just knew God wanted me there. I thought it would be for them. I thought it might be a cool witness for them to see someone making church a priority over Spring Break. That's what I thought would happen when I felt called to go there.

But, my God is an amazing God, and instead of using me to reach the church, He used the church to reach me. Amazing!

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